Monthly Archives: March 2013

Facebook Timeline

Brand Pages for Business on Facebook

Facebook has a Timeline format for its Brand pages. This timeline layout has an effect on what brands have built on Facebook in the past (i.e. applications, posts, photos and more) and how Brands can best use Facebook in the future.

This layout enhances the visual branding power of Facebook by many customizable options. These Business Pages act as more of a brand narrative than a community message board and combination of a focused and more systematic layout makes it user-friendly.

The main features of the Timeline are a cover photo (read more about the new guidelines here), a profile picture (preferably your logo) and an about section. The apps can be placed on the customized tabs which can then be prioritized on the page (read more about how to Promote Your Facebook Apps). Talking of Facebook apps, do check out Apps Mav for loads of Facebook Applications that will be useful for your business marketing.

Timeline for Business Pages changes how you do Facebook Marketing. In the past you just had to set up a Fan Gate on a default Page tab and you didn’t have to worry too much about content other than the marketing blasts that you would do to everyone that “Liked” you in the past.

Well, that approach doesn’t work anymore and Facebook’s Timeline for Business Pages changed the game.

Important: Facebook Timeline for brand pages is now all about “engagement” and “content”.

New Facebook Timeline redesign – Are you ready?

Recently Facebook updated the news feed and soon enough is all set to roll out the new redesigned Timeline.

As the new Timeline was recently tested in New Zealand, we’re eager to discuss some of the features of the redesign.

One of the major changes can be observed on the top tabs where the photographs, friends were listed, they have been now replaced with just text.

The timeline navigation has been placed on the top right where the ads appeared earlier. The spot below your profile picture has now been dedicated to your About information, we think it makes the profile look more cleaner.

One of the additions is to overlay the your name on the Cover/Timeline image. A more personalized profile.

Photos have a home on the left side of the page in a matrix of nine pictures. It’s a more organized way to display the pictures. You get to view more pictures in an efficiently designed Timeline.

New design to display photographs

New design to display photographs

Another addition to the new design is that you can add apps of your interest like Goodreads, which are placed alongside your photos and the friend list.

Talking of apps, it’ll be pretty cool to have our own Apps Mav apps listed in that section!

What do you think about the new Timeline redesign? Are these the changes you would like? Do share your opinions in the comments!

New Facebook Insights Data

Admin panel also has an Insights section. Click on the ‘See All’ link to get indepth data about your page.

(Know more here:

Hot Tip:You will find the some exciting information which helps you to understand the growth of your brand on this platform.

Facebook Insights Overview

This is the main Insights dashboard and here you’ll see the total number of likes (and whether this is increasing or decreasing), the number of friends of fans available (this is the potential number of people you can reach!), how many people are actively talking about your page as well as your total weekly reach.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook Insights Total Likes

The number of people who like your page. This number does not include Facebook pages that like your page.

Facebook Insights Friends of Fans

The number of people who are friends with people who like your page. This number doesn not incude subscribers of people who like your page. It definitely would have been a great addition though.

Facebook Insights People Talking About This

The number of people who have created a story about your page including posting to your wall, interacting with a status update (likes, comments, and shares), answering a question, responding to an event, mentioning your page in a status update, tagging your page, or checking in at your place.

Facebook Insights Weekly Total Reach

The number of people who have seen any content from your page for the last seven days.

Facebook Insights Posts

The purple bubble on the graph represents the number of posts your page has published on a given day.

Beneath the graph, you can see engagement information about your individual page posts. Columns are sort-able by date, post snippet, reach, engaged users and talking about this of each post. Virality percentage of each post is one of the most important data which can be extracted out of this section.

Facebook Marketing Agency

Facebook Insights All Post Types

The default view for this section will show all of your latest posts. Click on this dropdown to see posts with photos, links, videos, or questions. You can also view the data for the other posts by clicking View other posts at the bottom.

Facebook Insights Post

The post column shows the beginning snippet of your post. Click on it to see a full preview.

Facebook Insights Reach

Shows you how you reached your audience whether it was organic, paid, viral or total. This is useful because it tells you how people are finding out about your content and gives you insight as to whether or not you should consider doing Facebook Ads if organic and viral is not paying off.

  • Organic is from news feed, news ticker or from your page.

  • Paid is who saw your content from an Ad or Sponsored Story you placed.

  • Viral is the number of people who saw your page from a story that was published by a friend. This can include when a friend likes your page, likes a post, comments on your fan page wall (if you allow this type of action), sharing one of your posts and any other actions you allow on your page so their friends may see.

Facebook Insights Engaged Users

The number of people who have clicked on the post within the first 28 days after it was published. Click on the number to see the number of times your post generated clicks and engagement from users including likes, comments, and shares.

Facebook Insights Virality

The percentage of people who have created a story from your page post (shares) out of the total number of people who have seen it.

Facebook Insights Likes

The Likes section shows you a demographic breakdown of people who have liked your page including age, gender, countries, cities, and languages.

Facebook Marketing Company

Beneath the demographics is a section that tells you where your page’s likes have come from.

Facebook Marketing Firm

Hot Tip:This is a great way to see what converts visitors into fans and keep a track on your conversion channels as well.

Facebook Insights On Page – Likes generated from your Facebook page itself.

Facebook Insights Like Box and Like Button – Likes generated from the Like Box and Like Button social plugins on external websites.

Facebook Insights Admin Invite – Likes generated from the use of suggesting a page to a friend from the Admin Panel > Build Audience > Invite Friends.

Facebook Insights Timeline – Likes generated from people clicking on your page in a person’s personal Timeline profile Likes section.

Facebook Insights Mobile

Likes generated from people on a mobile device.

Facebook Insights Search Results

Likes generated from people who used Facebook’s search box.

Facebook Insights Page Like Another Page

Likes generated from other pages that like your page.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2daeFacebook Recommendations

Likes generated from a Recommended Pages unit in the right hand column on Facebook.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[1]On Hover

Likes generated from the popup window shown when someone hovers over a link leading to your page anywhere on Facebook.

  • Ticker – Likes generated from mentions of your page in the news ticker.

  • Friend Referrals – Likes generated from a story about someone liking your page.

Hot Tip:You can also see the number of unlikes you have on a given day. If you see a big spike in unlikes on a particular day, you should see if you posted something on your page’s wall that day and avoid similar updates.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[2]Reach

The Reach section shows you demographics about the people you have reached through your page’s content, posts, and stories by others. Scroll down to the bottom of this section to see two important pieces of information.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[3]Total Tab Views – The number of times each tab is viewed on your Facebook page, including the main timeline itself.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[4]External Referrers – The number of referral visits from sites other than Facebook, including any site you have included a link to your Facebook page.

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[5]Talking About This

The Talking about This section shows you demographics about the people who have created stories around your Facebook page. It measures these nine (9) actions: liking a page, posting (a comment, photo, link or video) to a page’s wall, commenting or liking or sharing a page’s status update, photo, video or other content, answering a question posted by a page, RSVP’ing to an event hosted by a page, mentioning the page (users must formally tag the page), tagging a page in a photo, liking or sharing a check-in deal, checking in at a place..

MM_New Facebook Insights_blog_4_html_ma0e2dae[6]Export Data

Want to see the raw data? You can export your page and post level data to Excel (.xls) and comma-separated text format (.csv).

Facebook Marketing Company

Hot Tip:This can be helpful since most of the Insights screens will only allow you to go 89 days back. This report will include any data before the current date.

Facebook Insights for All

While detailed insights are limited to page administrators, you can now see some basic insights about any page by visiting the page and clicking on their number of likes.

Here, you can see the number of people talking about a particular page this week, the number of total likes, the most popular week for that page, the top location engaging with the page, the age groups of the most engaged fans are, and a graph of their latest engagement activity.

facebook marketing

Hot Tip:This is a great way to do some competitive research.

  • You can target your competitor’s most popular city and age group in Facebook ads to generate new likes for your page.
  • You can scroll through your competitor’s timeline to see what they did to make their page popular on the most popular week.
  • You can see if your competitor’s latest Facebook marketing strategy is increasing or decreasing their page’s engagement and model your similarly or not.

It’s not just about collating the data of analytics, it is important to know how to analyse it and derive relevant findings from it for better community management. You could use the data to figure out what kinds of posts work the best for your fans, what time do they respond to the post. Try to use the posts which have high viral reach.
Share with us how you use the Facebook Analytics in the comments.